
PythonAds is supporting the Python ecosystem by creating a sustainable, terminal-based ad network, passing 90% of revenues through to developers.

How it Works - Developers

PythonAds lets you earn money from your open-source packages by adding a single line of code, which prints a simple text advert. 90% of revenue is passed through to members like you! Here’s how to get started:

(1) Download the PythonAds package from PyPI:

pip install pythonads

(2) Import pythonads as the first line in your or equivalent - the main thing is that the PythonAds message shows at the top when your package is imported or run.

import pythonads

(3) Republish your package to PyPI. Now, whenever someone imports or runs your package, an unobtrusive text advert from a PythonAds sponsor will display.

(4) Let PythonAds know that you’ve joined the network! Enter your email and the name of your package:

(5) PythonAds will check that the import pythonads statement in your package is working correctly, and get in touch to help if not. Then you’ll receive an invite link for receiving payouts!

How it Works - Advertisers

Use PythonAds to reach millions of developers around the world, in their terminals. If someone imports or runs a package which is part of the PythonAds network, their terminal will print a custom message like:

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If you’re interested in advertising on PythonAds, enter your email here and we’ll be in contact: